Moos, Rudolf H.


Rudolf H. Moos, PhD, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford University (Stanford, CA) and a Health Science Specialist at the Department of Veteran Affairs (Palo Alto, CA). Dr. Moos' research interests include assessing the quality of family and work environments, substance use and psychiatric disorders, quality of mental health treatment with relation to treatment outcome, and matching patients with treatment programs. Dr. Moos’ research has contributed to advances in four areas:

  1. assessment of the quality of treatment for substance use and psychiatric disorders and its relationship to treatment outcome; 
  2. formulation of measures of the social environments of the key community settings that contribute to treatment outcome, such as families, the workplace, and self-help and mutual support groups; 
  3. conceptualization and measurement of approach and avoidance coping skills; and 
  4. clarification of the role of social context and coping in personal growth and well-being, especially in relation to the outcome of intervention programs for individuals with substance use and psychiatric disorders.

To learn more about Dr. Moos, please visit his faculty page from Stanford University.

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